Majella Stylist & Salon Coach

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Brush 100 Times Each Day!

Growing up we were told to brush our hair at night - 100 strokes.  I sometimes look back and wonder was this to get me to sit still, bring my childish energy down and lull me into bedtime while practicing my counting?  Turns out there are many healthy hair benefits to a good brushing.  

Brushing your hair with a good brush that stimulates your scalp will enhance blood flow and oxygen to the area, also to your hair follicles, encouraging hair growth.

It is important to find the right brush and brush all over focusing on your scalp.  Starting with the correct brush should give you the feeling of having had a scalp massage. 

A good scalp brush will detangle your hair and distribute the natural oils from your skin.  These oils are the best moisturizer for your hair, giving you shining, healthy hair.

It doesn’t stop there.  Brushing also helps clean your hair, removing dead skin cells which is important, especially if you suffer from a dry scalp or dandruff.  

So when is the best time for brushing and how often should we do it?

Brushing before you shampoo is always best as this will help break up any hair spray or other product you may have in your hair making your shampoo more effective.  As for frequency, that’s up to you and your busy lifestyle - once a day is enough but if you want to brush morning and night it won’t have a negative impact on the benefits.  

Ask you hair salon for the best scalp brush for you - different brushes do different things so always seek the guidance of your stylist.

Oh, and that issue about brushing before bedtime to help induce sleep - well, yes - it sure is relaxing!

Until next month beautiful ladies!